Illustrator of the week: Lucy Evans
Author ALIX
The lady herself says her work is about ‘viewer being able to lose themselves in a moment of fascination and curiosity,’ though the series of mark making, splashes of beautiful colour and ‘surreal conceptual content.’ What we really like about this illustrator is her ability to capture something separate from reality, something extraordinary, something that releases you from everyday normality for just a moment. Her magic with the use of line is endearing and skilful and carefully adorns her female-littered material and she is no conventional illustrator! It appears on general trend, she is somewhat trying to care for her subjects in each of her pieces and praise ‘form’ of the natural world.
Evans says she likes ‘to allow the audience to work out the narrative for themselves or to interpret the imagery in their own personal way. I am heavily influenced by music, places and beautiful, ethereal things.’ We can definitely agree with her that she produces fantastical poetic imagery, a lot of which are a balance between colour-dye splashes, delicately intricate detailing and subtle dynamism.
Through many of her pieces you will find an underlying tone of vulnerability, gentleness and nurturing. We recommend you check out her website and show her some love, because its obvious she is a super duper grafter!